How We Help

Many CPA partners are looking to increase income and gain more control over their practice growth. Break free from the cycle of seasonal filings and pricing pressures by differentiating your practice with strategic services.  

Your answer can be the Family Office Services Division from Array Partners, available on demand for client projects. Through our network of 57 solution providers, we become a seamless part of your team. You maintain control of client relationships, and you don’t have to staff-up internally.   

With Array Partners by your side, you earn more, are viewed as a trusted resource to your clients, and become re-energized as you grow your practice.  

Who We Serve

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How to Reach the Next Level of Growth for your firm

Family Office Services can help you grow organically and increase profit by as much as 100%.

How Mid-Career CPA Partners Can Offer Strategic Services 

Take control of your client base and practice by adding virtual Family Office Services.

How CPAs Can Earn More and Better Serve Your Clients  

Break out of the tax-prep/bookkeeping trap by offering strategic services to your clients.

See what people are saying about Array Partners

“CPAs should give Family Office Services with Array Partners a try. The first client we made recommendations to immediately asked for more advice. Our relationship has grown from there and they are now a seamless part of our team.”

Linda Forde, Forde Firm

“Prior to working with Array, my seasoned tax managerial staff was reactive.  Over the past year, with the help of Array principal Michael Begin, my tax team has transformed into a proactive, value-based firm.  

Partnering with Array has brought very profitable tax planning revenue opportunities to my firm.”

Donald Brodeur, Jr. CPA 

“Before Family Office, I was concerned of not being different and not having additional services to provide our clients. After initial discussions John and Michael at Array and piloting a few projects with Family Office, I was convinced that this was the way of the future.

I have been using Array for about four years now. Over this time, the Family Office has been key to the growth of the firm, I don’t see how I would work without the Family Office. There are so many additional services and technical support included in the Family Office.”

John Michael Smith, CPA



Array Partners wealth management professionals Michael Begin and John Daley brainstormed their new venture after hearing yet another nightmare story from a CPA –one who lost his best client because a wealth management project was referred out and went bad. Meet the team behind this refreshing alternative.

Request a No-Obligation Call

Our process delivers quantifiable results in eight weeks or less. You can experience the power of Family Office Services through an initial project, if you qualify. Request a no-obligation call to see if this is right for you.